Sunday, November 29, 2009

How do i get icons undre my myspaces pics ive tryed everything and nothing is working?

%26lt;*img src="urlofimage"%26gt;

Remove the *, and replace urlofimage with the url of the image.

If the url of the image is too long, shorten it with

How do i get icons undre my myspaces pics ive tryed everything and nothing is working?

Use img src HTML tags in the captions

How do i get icons undre my myspaces pics ive tryed everything and nothing is working? have to do it like this...

%26lt;*img src="*image url here"%26gt;%26lt;*/a%26gt;

Take the *'s out and put it in your caption!

How do i get icons undre my myspaces pics ive tryed everything and nothing is working?

Go to like and upload the icon,then get the HTML code that it generates and then on your myspace pics,in the edit part (underneath the picture where you can write about the pic) paste that code from tinypic where you would usually write something.

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