Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

i got a detention for a teacher over hearing a conversation i was having with my best friend saying that it wasnt a teacher's right to randomly search students' myspaces. what do you think?

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

if the student has signed a contract of behavior, like in some private school, yes.. but if they havent signed a contract.. NO!

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

no thats bullshit, teachers dont need to know what your doing outside school

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

no since it's that person own business what they place on myspace, however if the place it online for all to see, then i guess you can say that that teacher have the right to see it since that person is allowing their things to be shown in the publics eye.

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

well sinve you put yourself on myspace, everyone have right to search for it.... it's not illlegal that your teacher search for it..

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

The web is open to whom ever wants to surf and explore. If a teacher wants to look at MySpace pages then that is fine. Just don't publish anything to your MySpace that you do not want a teacher, parent or next door neighbor to see.

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

I am willing to bet that you probably got the detention for talking when you should have been listening.... A teacher is a human being and most of the time, teachers really do care about their students. They want to protect them and help them out.

I am a teacher and I tell my students that anything they put out in cyberspace is public domain. Anyone can read it. Be smart, set your myspace account to private so only your friends can access it. Also, quit talking and pay attention in class. That should cut down on the detentions.

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

Your teacher is a ...... . Anyways teachers dun have life, they wanna read text msgs from confiscated phones, they gossip with students abt other students, give detentions for giving them a look that makes them feel ugly and so on. I dunno what grade u r in but if i were u i would have gone to the principal and talked abt it. If the principal would turn out to be like her then i would tell my parents....if they think i was an *** then i would write an official letter to the Good luck!!!

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

HA! Funny question.

Let me make this clear: There is NO expectation of privacy on the internet! I don't know why students think that teachers or parents or whoever has no "right" to go on their myspace site and look at it. It's not a private space for ANYONE. Whatever you put on there is there for the WHOLE world to see.

So yes, teachers can go on myspace at anytime and look at whatever they want. If your school has a policy about myspace (ours does) and you identify yourself as a student at that school (which you should not be doing anyway) then they are within their right to administer whatever discipline they feel necessary . (we've had kids suspended and expelled for their sites)

However, getting a detention for expressing your OPINION about it doesn't sound fair. Are you sure that was the reason? Is that what they wrote you up for? Or were you talking when you were suppose to be quiet? Or when they asked you about it, were you disrespectful in the way you answered? Something doesn't quite make sense here. I don't think you have the whole story about your need to go back and talk to the teacher.

Remember: Do NOT put in writing anything that you would not want your parents, teachers, pastor, grandparents or whoever else to read. NOTHING on the internet (including this site by the way) is private! Anything you put on there can be "used against you". So think VERY carefully before you post anthing.

Oh, and by the way, colleges and employers are now checking myspace, facebook and other sites before they accept or hire people and using that in decision making. So be aware that your myspace site is beeing looked at by LOTS of people....and they WILL judge you by it.

(ps. I'm a can check out my site at

Is it a teachers right to randomly search students's myspaces?

I'm a teacher and I think that searching student profiles in the internet such as myspace is just fine. It's not like I will be using it to reprimand my students. You see, teachers are human beings too. We like to communicate better with our students so we try to be with them...know what they like, what they don't like....things like that.

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